Latest Update : सभी क्षेत्रवासी जिनकी आयु 60 वर्ष से अधिक है या 45 वर्ष से अधिक ( अन्य बिमारी ग्रस्त) है तो आप कोविड वैक्सीन का लाभ उठाने के लिए सम्पर्क करे सिद्धिविनायक अस्पताल सर्वरखेरा, मुरादाबाद रोड , काशीपुर शुल्क मात्र 250 ₹, 7088006301,7088006302

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Managing Director's Message

Dr. Priyank Chouhan

Dr. Priyank Chouhan

With the divine blessings of Siddhi Vinayak Multispecialty hospital, we dedicate and strengthen our services to the society by transforming our humble efforts from education to healthcare.
The objective of the Siddhi Vinayak Multispecialty hospital would be to provide solace to the suffering humanity with a healing, soothing and humane touch.

Chairman's Message

Dr. Neha Chouhan

Dr. Neha Chouhan

Siddhi Vinayak Multispecialty hospital, the ‘Divinity in Healthcare’ has been planned as per the global norms with an aim of providing highest quality of clinical, paraclinical, diagnostics & support services. We strive to provide the best of clinical outcomes in the most friendly environment through highly credentialed medical, paramedical and nursing staff supported by high- end equipment in multi super-speciality scenario.
We wish and pray for good health for all, however, if you need healthcare services, we are committed to provide you the best.